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Low freauency high resistance series

Low freauency high resistance series

CBH 1206

Ferrite Chip Beads
◆CBH series beads exhibit high resistance at low frequency,which makes it stop the reduction of   the wave-form effectively
◆Excellent solderability and heat resistance for eigher flow or reflow soldering 
◆Shape unite entirely for automatic assembly machine application,no direction 
◆Under the same size,the multilayer chip beads produce higher impedance than plug-in beads.
◆Terminal electrode has been electroplated, suitable flow soldering, reflow soldering an   arbitrary welding method 
◆For RoHS instructions corresponding products 

Redialed noise suppression on digital product clock lines,signal lines and suppression noise on circuit.
Usually used on Mobile phone,PC,notebook computer,Tv tuner,STB,audio player,DVD,game machines,digital photo frame,car navigation signal line interference.
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